Closed COO network

make I4.0 easy 4 COO



NetTECH is a chance for i4.0 and digital transformation



We distinguish 3 fundamental directions for i4.0

How we are different?

NetTECH is an invitation-only private business network that only welcomes CxO professionals looking for peers in i4.0

NetTECH’s mission is to help C-level responsibles become more at ease and above all more successful in their jobs. So they can do more than just keep up with change but ultimately define it.

NetTECH events

we make your company smarter and customer proof thanks to our views on ultra connectivity and speed

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Unique Methodology

Bridge between management tools and i4.0 solutions.


Your Result

netTECH opens up a whole new universe of opportunities in i4.0 and Operational Technology management.

We distinguish 3 fundamental directions for i4.0

Smart Knowledge

When we speak about Smart Knowledge, we refer to self-awareness . This is not automation but an “intelligent automation” or “automation with a human touch”. We speak about autonomation.  The main difference is that autonomation implements some supervisory functions rather than production functions. Human and machine act together. As a human you have to learn to think and communicate with the machine. This goes further then digitalizing: they use algorithms. A really simple example is the use of a gps, if you change direction the algorithm will adapt and suggest new ways/ directions. Within industry you can find also a lot of examples, with machine learning we learn sensors to detect faults in certain products.

Smart Technology

When we speak about Smart Technology, we refer to self-creating process. You can also use the word automation. Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance. Automation  use various control systems for an operating equipment. Most of the time old or traditional ways of doing, or processes are digitized. The  priority in this direction is that you learn to observe and see which action can easily be automated.  Industrial robots are seen in manufacturing plants all over the world. For example, Industrial robots can easily do industrial tasks such as spot welding, machine loading, cutting, …

Smart Organisation

Smart organization is more about self-organization. There is a cooperation and interaction. We can talk about technology but the emphasizes is  how we can work better together with or without the use of technology. This can mean to organize your plant, or the organogram of your company. There are new organizational forms like Holocracy Semco Style, Teal organizations. Those 3 directions have an impact on one another and within smart organization you learn to adapt yourself and your team to those changes. The last direction is more social and cultural influenced then the other two. For a long time we have tried to put all business processes and solutions in systems and preferably in logical systems. Because of this narrowing of reality, too little account is taken of man as a social and interactive being. It doesn’t always think logically, but emotions or social roles and power relationships can play a more important influence then we think.